About Delta Fibreglass Solutions
We are part of the Delta Power Group, with over 30 years of experience in fibreglass application and marine construction.
We provide a fast turnaround moulding service backed by state-of-the-art resources and a dedicated team of seasoned professionals, from 3D CAD modelling design and product development through to completion.
With 70,000 square feet of space at our disposal, we can design and build fibreglass-based manufactured items at any scale to order.
Our FRP and GRP fibreglass solutions are extremely hard-wearing and long-lasting. We believe in the quality of what we have and what we can offer you: an amazingly versatile product at a competitively priced service.
All our work is quality assured with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification.
Contact us today to discuss your project and how we can help make
it a reality.